::.After so many years as parents, we have trouble relating to each other now that the children are gone...
If you are having difficulties relating as a couple now that your nest is empty, one or both of you may have new emotional needs that are being unmet. This may create distance between partners and lead one or the other to anxiety, frustration, impaired communication, and other problems.
Solutions To reunify, start by taking the teamwork approach:
Suggest change: Suggest that your relationship needs to change now that the children are gone, and that you would like to work on this together.
Be patient: If your spouse resists change or becomes silent or withdrawn, tell him or her you are willing to work this out over time. Let your partner know that you know what you want and are willing to be patient.
Support: Ask your spouse how you can help him or her adjust to life without the children. Find out what they may want or need in terms of time with you, future plans, etc.
Meet again: If your spouse refuses to engage in lengthy conversation, propose that you resume discussing this issue next month. Above all, don't give up!