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March 23, 1940 - August 14, 1947


Movements in 1947

February 20

Historic Announcement

The British Prime Minister, Lord C. AttIee. made the historic announcement saying that the British Government intends to transfer power into responsible Indian hands by the date not later than June, 1'948.

February 28

National Budget

Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan presented the budget for the financial year April 1947 - March 1948. The budget affected adversely rich traders and factory-owners of Bombay, Calcutta and New Delhi. The traders were mostly Hindus and contributed heavy amounts to the funds'of the Congress. The budget was a severe blow to the interests of the Hindu traders and money-lenders. The Congress expressed its anger on the budget whereas the poor classes of India welcomed this budget. The budget was hailed as the "Poor Man's Budget"

March 3

Muslim League Movement in the Punjab

In the elections of 1946, the Muslim League had captured 79 seats out of 175 seats in the Legislative Assembly of the Punjab, The Unionist Party of Sir Khizar ,Hayat Kahan was in power and wanted to remain in power although it had been able to secure only twenty seats in the Assembly. Therefore. with the support of the Congress and the Akali Dal Sikh members. it tried to retain its hold. Of the Punjab Government. The Muslim League started its Civil Disobedience Movement against the Khizar Government. As a result of this movement the Khizar Government had to resign. However, the Muslim League was not invited to form the Government and "Governor Raj" was imposed on the Punjab.

March 22-23

Wavell leaves for London

Lord Wavell left for London and Lord Louis Mountbatten came to India as the last Viceroy.

June 3

3rd June Plan

This was a plan for the partition of India prepared byLord Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India, in consultation with the British Government. It was based on the fundamental principle that transfer of power' should take place according to the wishes of the people. It provided for ascertaining the wishes of the people with regard to the framing of their constitution by:

  • The existing Constituent Assembly or

  • A new and, separate Constituent Assembly consisting of the representatives of those areas
    which decide not to participate in the existing Constituent Assembly.

The members of the provincial legislatures of Bengal and the Punjab were to decide on the issue of partition and as soon as the decision involving partition had been taken. separate Boundary"Commissions would be set up which would demarcate the boundaries of the two parts of the provinces. In North-West Frontier Province referendum was to be held to ascertain the wishes of the people and in Sind the Indian members of the Legislative Assembly were to take their own decision. In his broadcast statement the Quaid-i_Azam said that the Plan did not meet, in some respects, our point of view.He.however, expressed his satisfaction on some of the matters dealt within the Plan. But it is for us now to consider whether the Plan should be accepted by us as a compromise or a settlement.

June 10

League Accepts 3rd June Plan

In a resolution adopted by the Council of the All India Muslim league it was stated that although the Council could not agree to the partition of Bengal.and the Punjab, it accepts the fundamental principles of the Plan as a compromise.

July 18

Indian Independence Act, 1947

A bill providing independence was introduced in the House of Commons on 4 July, 1947, and was passed on 15 July, 1947. On 16 July, 1947, it was passed by the House of Lords and received the Royal assent on 18 July, 1947. It provided that "from the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred and forty-seven. two independent Dominions shall be set "up in India. to be known respectively as India and Pakistan. The Act provided that for each new Dominion there would be a Governor General. The Act also provided that as long as the Constituent ASsembly docs not prepare a constitution of its own, the new Dominioi1s will be governed by the Government of India Act, 1935.

August 11

First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan

Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah arrived in Karachi on 7 August, 1947. and addressed the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11 August, 1947, as its first President. He said that the Assembly had to main functions to perform. The first was to frame the future Constitution of Pakistan and the second was to,act as a Federal Legislature of Pakistan.

August 12

Radcliffe Award

The Boundary Commission appointed under the Indian Independence Act 1947,submitted its report commonly known as the Radcliffe Award. The Punjab Boundary Commission was constituted on 30 June,1947, as under:

  • Lord Cyril Radcliffe (Chairman)

  • Mr.lustice Din Mohammad

  • Mr. lustice Mohammad Munir

  • Mr. lustice Mehr Chand Mahajan; and

  • Mr. lustice Teja Singh

It worked from 21 July, 1947, to 30 July, 1947, and produced the Award in which the Muslim majority areas of Gurdaspur, Batala, Ferozepur, Zira and lullundhar were given to India. The Quaid-i-Azam said that it was an unjust, incomprehensible and even perverse Award. He futher said that as he had agreed to abide by it it was binding on us.

August 14

Transfer of Power

The transfer of power ceremony took place at Karachi. Lord Mountbatten and Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah addressed the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

August 15

Prime Minister of Pakistan

On 15 August Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was sworn in as the first Governor General of Pakistan.Mr. 'Liaquat Ali Khan was appointed as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan



Movements in 1940

Movements in 1941

Movements in 1943

Movements in 1944
Movements in 1945

Movements in 1946

Movements in 1947

Pioneers of Freedom