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March 23, 1940 - August 14, 1947


Movements in 1945


Liaquat-Desai Pact

Through the Liaquat-Desai Pact, Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan and Bhulabhai Desai agreed that the Congress and the League will join in forming an interim Government at the Centre with the following composition:

  • An equal number of persons nominated by theCongress and the League in the Central Executive (the persons nominated need not be members of the Central Legislature)

  • Representatives of minorities (in particular the Scheduled Castes and the Sikhs)


  • The Commander-in-Chief.

.The Government will function within the framework of the Government of India Act, 1935. It was agreed between the Congress and the League that if such an interim Government is formed, their first step would be to release the Working Committee members of the Congress. The two leaders also agreed to try to get the.withdrawal of Section 93 in the provinces and to form coalition governments.

June 14

Wavell Plan

The Wavell Plan was announced. It was "'not an attempt to obtain or impose a constitutional settlement" It proposed that the Viceroy would consult the Indian leaders in the formation of a new Executive Council. The Viceroy said that. the proposed new Council would represent the main communities and would Include equal number of Caste Hindus and Muslims.He also said that the portfolio of External Afairs so far held by the Viceroy, would also be placed in the charge of an Indian member of the Council. The formation of this Interim Government was in no way to prejudice the final constitutional settlement. The new Executive Council would have the following three functions:

  • Prosecute the war against Japan with the utmostenergy till Japan was utterly defeated

  • Carry on the Government of Britishlndia, with all the manifold tasks of post-war development In front of it, until a new permanent constitution could be agreed upon and came
    into force and

  • Consider when the members of the government though it possible the means by which such an agreement could be achieved.

June 25

Simla Conference

The Viceroy called a conference at Simla, since known as the First Simla Conference, where the formation of an Executive Council was discussed. The Congress claimed that it represented all the communities in India and as such it could nominate Muslims as the members of the new Council. The All-India Muslim League did not accept the claim of the Congress and stated that only the All-India Muslim League had the right to nominate Muslim members in the Executive Council.The All-India Muslim League was pledged to the formation of a separate homeland for the Indian Muslims, whereas Wavell Plan envisaged a united India.When the question of representation of various religiousgroups on the Executive Council came under discussion.

a deadlock occurred, The All-India Muslim League claimed that no other political party had the right to nominate Muslim members for the Executive Council. The Congress was opposed to this claim. The Unionist Party in the. Punjab was also pressing for representation on the Executive Council. Lord Wavell requested the two parties (25 lune, 1945) to send him a list giving the names of the members of their parties who could be included in the proposed Executive Council. The Congress immediately submitted a list of its members which also included the names of two Muslims.The All India Muslim League did not submit the liSt and insisted that the Muslim members of the proposed Executive Council should be chosen from the All-India Muslim League.On 14 July, 1945,Viceroy Lord Wavell announced that the Simla Conference had failed and that the efforts to bring Hindus and Muslims together have proved fruitless.

July 20

Labour Party in Power
Prime Minister Clement Attlee, with the support of Labour Party, came to power.

August 21

Elections Announced
Lord Wavell announced that General Elections in India will be held during winter (1945-46).

September 19

Proportional Representation
In his broadcast announcement, the Viceroy Lord Wavell said that the British Government intends to convene a meeting of the constitution-making body as soon as possible. He said that he will hold discussions with the representatives of the Leggislative Assemblies and the Indian States.He also said that first, he would hold elections so that the will of the Indian electorate may be known. The Constituent Assembly that was to find the constitution for the new India would be elected by the Provincial Legislative Assemblies through proportional representation.

December 2

The second general elections in India were held in December 1945. The Congress, the All-India Muslim league and several other organisations participated in the elections. The All-India Muslim League captured all,the thirty seats reserved for Muslims in the Central Legislative Assembly.



Movements in 1940

Movements in 1941

Movements in 1943

Movements in 1944
Movements in 1945

Movements in 1946

Movements in 1947

Pioneers of Freedom