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[What is stress?]
The biochemistry of stress]
Is stress always negative?]
How not to manage stress]
How color affects stress]
Exercise and body temperature]
Avoiding afternoon slump]
A good night's sleep]
Stress reducing exercises]
[Relaxing the body]


The solar plexus is a network of nerves that supply the abdomi- nal organs. Pressing the solar plexus reflex can release tension in your partner's diaphragm. In so doing, it may also encourage deep breathing, induce relaxation, and relieve stress and nervousness. This technique also connects the breathing patterns of you and your partner so that your energies can work in harmony.

Place your hands gently on the outside of your partner's feet. Press your thumbs into the center of the sole, in line with the middle toe and just below where the arch meets the ball of the foot. There £5 a slight dip here-the solar plexus reflex.

Ask your partner to breathe in deeply and to hold your breath for ten seconds. As your partner does so, gently press in

with your thumbs. As he or she breathes out very slowly, release the pressure and use your fingers to pull the feet gently toward you. Repeat th£5 breathing and pressing exerc£5e six more times.


Moving thumb over thumb up the sole helps to relax the arches of the feet and remove energy blockages in reflexes of the internal organs, especially the digestive system, lungs, and heart. Rubbing assists in releasing tension and excess energies in the feet, ankles, and calves; it also unlocks tension in the spine, hip, and shoulder girdles. Ankle rotation helps to loosen up and remove energy blockages in the ankle area; in so doing it relaxes the reflexes of the pelvic girdle, colon, and reproductive system.


1-Hold the foot gently with the fingers of both hands. With the pads of each thumb in turn, firmly stroke upward on the sole of the foot and outward over the ball toward the base of the toes. Repeat this action until the whole sole of the.foot is covered.

2-Keep your fingers together and place your bands one each side ofthefoot. Move one band forward and the other back toward you, twisting the foot gently. Twist briskly in this way for a few minutes, moving both bands up and down the foot, loosening it up allover.

3-Hold your partner's artkle in your left hand and the ball of his or her foot in your right hand. Move the ballof the foot in horizontal circular movements clockwise and then counterclockwise. As it loosens up, you may find that you can move it gently in larger circles.

4-Using your right hand, push the ball of the foot away from you,c toward your partner's leg, to stretch the tendons in the arch of the foot gently. (When repeating stages 3 and 4 on the left foot, make sure that you also swap the grips of your hands.)

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