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Main Categories (13) >>> Business (31) >>> Law Firms (18)
1. AAliZeHH
Electronic law, green energy, management consultancy, international trade .
2. Abdul Saeed Khan Ghori
Pakistani senior lawyer of High court and Supreme court .
3. Abraham & Sarwana
Pakistan Law Firm dealing with corporate and commercial matters .
4. Ali & Associates
Ali & Associates are the leading attorneys of Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Patents, Designs and Copyrights in Pakistan. .
5. Alia & Associates
The attorneys at Ali & Associates (A & A) specialize in Intellectual Property (IP). The firm provides legal service concerning Patents, Trademarks, Design and Copyrights as well as complex lawsuits in all areas of Intellectual Property. .
6. Azam Chaudhry Law Associates
specializes in civil, commercial, corporate, World Trade Organization’s Agreement and private and public international law. .
7. Carrow's Pakistan Law Links
Compilation of helpfull Pakistani law links assembled by a United States lawyer, British barrister. .
8. Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim Law Firm
General legal practice and provide private advice on most areas of Pakistani law and Sharia as well as legal representation in Pakistani courts. .
9. Haider Shamsi & Co.
Haider Shamsi & Co. .
10. Jamil & Jamil
Law firms with more than 30 years of successful practice in litigation, transaction advice, policy advice and legal consultancy .
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