CCOL's World Wide Web Directory Index
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Main Categories (13) >>> People's Net (23) >>> Computer Programmers (6)
1. Aamer Ghaffar
Aamer Ghaffar .
2. Afroze Husain Zubairi's Web Page
I'm a Computer Systems Engineer. This is my personal web page featuring Ghulam Ishaq Khan Insitute .
3. Ahmad Mushtaq's Programming
Free programs specially made for you .
4. Ali Ahsen's Personal Web Page
Ali Ahsen a Computer Graduate. A good Web Designer and Web Developer.He has already made no of webpages and a website..
5. Aman's Planet
Aman's Planet .
6. Amjad Sheikh
Amjad Sheikh .
Main Categories (13) >>> People's Net (23) >>> Computer Programmers (6)
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