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Main Categories (13) >>> Reference Sites (6) >>> Books (7)
1. FootPrynts
Pakistani Bookstore on the Web .
2. Hi Tech Books
Hi Tech Books .
3. Index of Periodicals on Library & Information Scie
Free full-text index of periodicals published in Pakistan .
4. Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press .
5. Sang-e-Meel Publications
Sang-e-Meel Publishers has been Publishing books since 1962. Publishers, Book Seller, Importer & Exporters of Books. You can inquire about any book from Pakistan. .
6. The Official Ibne Safi Web Site
Official Ibne Safi Web Site. Featuring life and works of the mystery writer Ibne Safi. A comprehensive site complete with description of works, biography, poetry (script/sound clips) and images etc. A Must Visit Site! .
7. CJB Books and Magazines
Books & Magazines on Islam related topics .
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