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Main Categories (13) >>> Science and Technology (6) >>> Research Centers (7)
1. Agriculture Research Institute
Agriculture Research Institute .
2. HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry
HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry .
3. HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of
HEJ RIC at the University of Karachi is one of the finest research institutes of chemistry in the developing world .
4. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC)
PARC is an Islamabad based agricultural research organization, with its research centres located all over the country. .
5. Pakistan Science and Engineering Forum
The Pakistani Scientists and Engineers Forum (PakSEF) is a discussion forum for Pakistanis in the Scientific and Engineering professions. .
6. Regional Cooperative Agreement
The Institute has a major research facility of 10 MW swimming pool type of research reactor, a small tank-in-pool type of reactor of 30 kW, a 250 keV charged particle accelerator and a 14 MeV neutron generator. The Institute has a sizable concentration of experts in various disciplines of science and technology whose expertise can be shared in the region whenever required .
7. The Scarlet Ibis
The Scarlet Ibis.
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