
Pak Web Directory Management

P/D Modify Detail ID Contact Name Category Date Posted URL Publish
Modify Detail 2121 Urdu News Network Urdu News Papers 6/2/2003 http://urdunews.net False
Modify Detail 2124 Urdu News Papers Urdu News Papers 6/2/2003 http://www.bburdu.com True
Modify Detail 2103 Urdu Plus Urdu Web Sites 5/31/2003 http://urduplus.com False
Modify Detail 261 Urdu Poetry Poets and Poetry 5/4/2003 http://members.tripod.com/shaikha/urdu.html False
Modify Detail 262 Urdu Poetry and Punjabi Poetry Poets and Poetry 5/4/2003 http://www.khuram.net True
Modify Detail 2133 UrduPoint.com Urdu Magazines and Journals 6/2/2003 http://www.UrduPoint.com False
Modify Detail 263 UrduStation Poets and Poetry 5/4/2003 http://www.urdustation.cjb.net True
Modify Detail 1949 UrduWord.com Dictionaries 5/29/2003 http://www.urduword.com False
Modify Detail 833 Urooj Marble Miscellaneous 5/7/2003 http://uroojmarble.8m.com True
Modify Detail 303 Urs Karachi Portals 5/4/2003 http://www.urskarachi.cjb.net True
Modify Detail 2192 UrsKarachi.com Portals 8/14/2003 http://www.urskarachi.com False
Modify Detail 2193 UrsKarachi.com Portals 8/14/2003 http://www.urskarachi.com False
Modify Detail 330 Usama Harris & Company Automobile 5/4/2003 http://usamaharris.cjb.net False
Modify Detail 729 USC - Legal Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.usclegal.com False
Modify Detail 834 Used Equipment Company Miscellaneous 5/7/2003 http://uec.itgo.com True
Modify Detail 1174 Used Textile Machinery Textile and Garments 5/9/2003 http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/polanico True
Modify Detail 694 Usman Brothers Import and Export 5/6/2003 http://makarts.com/usman True
Modify Detail 1175 Usman Industries Textile and Garments 5/9/2003 http://www.usmanindustries.com.pk True
Modify Detail 1176 Usman Limited Textile and Garments 5/9/2003 http://www.usman.com True
Modify Detail 695 Usman's Multi-Business (Pvt) Ltd Import and Export 5/6/2003 http://www.usmanmulti.com False
Modify Detail 595 US-Pakistan Business Council Groups and Organisations 5/5/2003 http://www.uspakistan.org True
Modify Detail 75 Uzma Creations Fashion and Beauty 5/3/2003 http://www.uzmacreations.com/ False
Modify Detail 546 Vaadi Rice Food and Agriculture 5/5/2003 http://www.vaadirice.com False
Modify Detail 17340 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 1'" False
Modify Detail 17341 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 \ False
Modify Detail 17342 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 1 False
Modify Detail 17343 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 @@HAv2o False
Modify Detail 17344 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 JyI= True
Modify Detail 17345 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 ¿'¿" True
Modify Detail 17346 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 ð''ð"" False
Modify Detail 17347 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 FhVm0NxB False
Modify Detail 17348 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(9),0))XOR'Z True
Modify Detail 17357 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(9),0))XOR"Z True
Modify Detail 17358 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 (select(0)from(select(sleep(3)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(3)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(3)))v)+"*/ True
Modify Detail 17359 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 1 waitfor delay '0:0:3' -- True
Modify Detail 17360 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 pyDSx20Q'; waitfor delay '0:0:6' -- False
Modify Detail 17361 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 LbLxs3fb';select pg_sleep(6); -- True
Modify Detail 17362 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 xKwLRzI8');select pg_sleep(9); -- True
Modify Detail 17363 VABxvsyH Courier Services 5/31/2022 pmUbQFFh'));select pg_sleep(9); -- True
Modify Detail 560 Vamco Mable Industries Gems and Minerals 5/5/2003 http://www.vamcomarble.com False
Modify Detail 76 Vanneza Ahmed - Extreme Fashion and Beauty 5/3/2003 http://vaneezaahmed.tripod.com/ False
Modify Detail 1430 Vast Network Systems Computer Networking 5/12/2003 http://www.vastsys.net True
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45