
Pak Web Directory Management

P/D Modify Detail ID Contact Name Category Date Posted URL Publish
Modify Detail 706 EFU General Insurance Insurance 5/6/2003 http://www.efuinsurance.com False
Modify Detail 707 Experiance the benifits Insurance 5/6/2003 http://www.efulife.com False
Modify Detail 708 General Insurance Services Insurance 5/6/2003 http://learn.to/insure False
Modify Detail 709 Insurance survey & adjusting services Insurance 5/6/2003 http://isas.20fr.com True
Modify Detail 710 International General Insurance Insurance 5/6/2003 http://www.igi.com.pk False
Modify Detail 711 Pakistan Insurance Corporation Insurance 5/6/2003 http://www.pakre.com.pk True
Modify Detail 712 Tarik Rashid (Private) Limited, Insurance Brokers Insurance 5/6/2003 http://www.pakistaninsurance.com True
Modify Detail 713 AAliZeHH Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.aalizehh.com True
Modify Detail 714 Abdul Saeed Khan Ghori Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.jamals.com/askg True
Modify Detail 715 Abraham & Sarwana Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.abraham.com.pk False
Modify Detail 716 Ali & Associates Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://firms.findlaw.com/aliasso False
Modify Detail 717 Alia & Associates Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.aliassociates.com.pk True
Modify Detail 718 Azam Chaudhry Law Associates Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.acla-law.org False
Modify Detail 719 Carrow's Pakistan Law Links Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.carrow.com/linkpakistan.html True
Modify Detail 720 Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim Law Firm Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.fge.com.pk False
Modify Detail 721 Haider Shamsi & Co. Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://firms.findlaw.com/Haidershamsi True
Modify Detail 722 Jamil & Jamil Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.jamilandjamil.com True
Modify Detail 723 Khursheed Khan & Associates Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.pakistanlaw.com True
Modify Detail 724 Law Inn Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://webs.com.pk/lawinn False
Modify Detail 725 Muhammad Sadiq & Associates Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://muhammadsadiqandassociates.faithweb.com True
Modify Detail 726 Muhammad Sadiq & Associates Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://firms.findlaw.com/muhammadsadiq True
Modify Detail 727 Pakistan Law Site Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.pakistanlawsite.com True
Modify Detail 728 Pakistan Lawyer Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.pakistanlawyer.com True
Modify Detail 729 USC - Legal Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://www.usclegal.com False
Modify Detail 730 Virtual Office of Sarfraz Ali Advocate Law Firms 5/6/2003 http://sarfrazali.paklinks.com True
Modify Detail 731 Ali Mohammad & Sons Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://alimsons.com True
Modify Detail 732 AQR Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.qaiser.com False
Modify Detail 733 BdL Gloves Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.bdl-gloves.com.pk False
Modify Detail 734 Business de Leather International Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.bdl.com.pk True
Modify Detail 735 Dalex International Limited Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.dalexint.com True
Modify Detail 736 Danstoker International Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.danstokerintl.com True
Modify Detail 737 Digitata International Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.stazome.com/digitata True
Modify Detail 738 English Boot House (pvt) Ltd. Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.ebhshop.com False
Modify Detail 739 EUNESCO Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.eunesco.com True
Modify Detail 740 Falk Shoes Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.falkshoes.com True
Modify Detail 741 Fine Leather Sharqui Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://sharqui.itgo.com False
Modify Detail 742 Hub Leather Products Ltd. Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.hubleather.com True
Modify Detail 743 Jafferjee's Leather Goods Pakistan Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.jafferjees.com True
Modify Detail 744 Jwc Leather Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.jwcleather.com False
Modify Detail 745 Kaizen Businesses International Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.brain.net.pk/~maqsood/kaizen/index.html False
Modify Detail 746 King2 Sports Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.king2sports.com.pk True
Modify Detail 747 Leather gloves as per CE marking Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.vhs.com.pk False
Modify Detail 748 Leather Star International Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.leatherstar.com.pk False
Modify Detail 749 Leather Touch Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.leathertouch.com.pk True
Modify Detail 750 Legion Enterprises Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.legion.com.pk False
Modify Detail 751 Libermann International Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.libermann.com False
Modify Detail 752 Lyra Leather Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.lyraleather.com False
Modify Detail 753 Mehmood's Leather Fashion Garments Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.mehmoods.com.pk True
Modify Detail 754 Metasco International Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.metasco.com False
Modify Detail 755 Mir Yousaf Leatherware (Pvt) Ltd. Leather Products 5/6/2003 http://www.miryousaf.com.pk False
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