People and Culture of Pakistan

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People & Culture of Pakistan

[Ethnic Groups]
The Baloch]
People of Sindh]
People of Punjab]
Mountain Tribes]
Arts & Culture]
Folktales From Pakistan]
Music & Dance]
Art & Craft]
Art Gallries & Museums]
Cuisine of Pakistan]
National Symbols of Pakistan]
Slide Show]

The Greedy Monkey

Once upon a time a monkey noticed some wheat which had fallen into a small hollow in a rock. Thrusting in his hand, he filled it with the grain, but the entrance was so narrow that he was unable to draw it out without relinquishing most of his prize. This, however, he was unwilling to do, greedily desiring to have it all. So the consequence was that he remained without any, and finally went hungry away.

[The Painted Jackal]
The Farmer, His Wife and the Open Door]
The Seven Wise Men of Buneyr]
[The Greedy Monkey]
The Farmer, the Crocodile, and the Jackal]
The Young Man and the Snake]
The Tiger and the Hare]
The Tiger and the Fox]

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