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Explore Pakistan | Cities |Dera Ghazi Khan ڈیرہ غازی خان

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Beauty of  D G KHANDera Ghazi Khan is a district in the Punjab province of Pakistan.The district covers an area of 5,306 m² and it is a long narrow strip of country, 198 m. in length, sloping gradually from the hills which form its western boundary to the river Indus on the east.

Below the hills the country is high and arid, generally level, but sometimes rolling in sandy undulations, and much intersected by hill torrents, 201 in number. With the exceptions of  two, these streams dry up after the rains, and their influence is only felt for a few miles below the hills.

The eastern portion of the district is at a level sufficiently low to benefit by the floods of the Indus. A barren tract intervenes between these zones, and is beyond the reach of the hill streams on the one hand and of the Indus on the other. Although liable to great extremes oftemperature, and to a very scanty rainfall, the district is not unhealthy.

The Sulaiman Mountains rise to a height of 10,000 feet (3,000 m) in the north of the district.

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The city was founded at the close of the 15th century and named after Nawab Ghazi Khan Mirrani, son of Nawab Haji Khan Mirrani, a Balochi chieftain, who had declared independence from the Langhi Dynasty Sultans of Multan. Together with two other Deras i.e. settlements,Dera Ismail Khan and Dera Fateh Khan, it gave its name to Derajat. Derajat eventually came into the possession of the British after the Sikh War in 1849 and was divided into two districts: Dera Ghazi Khan and Dera Ismail Khan. After the partition of India, many of the city's Hindu residents settled in Derawal Nagar colony of Delhi, India. The district of  Rajanpur was later carved out of the Dera Ghazi Khan district. Some of them also settled in various part of India, including Bhiwani, Delhi, Jhansi, Ranchi, Ambala and Haridwar.

Dera Ghazi Khan was founded in 15th century by Amar a Tribal Sardar of Mirani tribe. The old city of Dera Ghazi Khan was situated at the distance of 10 miles (16 km) towards east of the present city. In 1908, the old city of Dera Ghazi Khan was abolished due to heavy flood in theriver Indus. Resultantly the existing city of Dera Ghazi Khan was came into being in the year 1910. The city is divided into different blocks. The British ruler established colonial system in the continent and declared D.G.Khan as district in the year 1849. General Court Land was appointed as first Deputy Commissioner of this District. Keeping in view the rapidly increasing population of the area and deteriorating law and order situation district D.G.Khan was divided in two districts i.e. D.G.Khan and Rajanpur. Presently there are two revenue sub division of theDistrict. A tribal belt/political area spread along with western side of the District. Mirani tribe has been extinct three centuries ago. The population according to the 1901 census of India (then a British colony) was 471,149 - the great majority being Baloch Muslims. The frontier tribes on the Dera Ghazi Khan border include the Lashari, Jarwar, Qaisrani, Bozdar, Khosa, Leghari, Khetran, Nutkani(Notkani) Gurchani,Mazari, Jaskani, Marri, Mastoi, Mirani, Bugti, Malghani is part of Nutkani or Notkani and Bamozai Known as Akhund/Akhwand tribes. Akhund (or Akhwand) is also a surname/title used by a family in Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan. Their ancestors came in from Afghanistan around 200 years ago and settled in the old Dera Ghazi Khan. After the major floods of early 1900s that washed away the city, they moved into the new Dera Ghazi Khan. They are still settled in Block 11. One of the Family Member Akhund Nadir Majeed (Late) Ex Joint Secretary PML-N was knoned as a Great Social Worker .Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th edition published in 1911 mentions Baluchs of this area as

Frank and open in his manners, fairly truthful, faithful to his word, temperate and enduring, and looking upon courage as the highest virtue, the true Baluch of the Derajat is a pleasant man to have dealings with.

There are petroleum and gas reservoirs in district Dera Ghazi Khan at sites rodho, zindapir, afiband, Dhodhak etc. The Koh-e-Sulaiman Range constitutes a major part of this area, This range is full of naturl deposits like Marble & Lime Stone. A big cement plant DG Cement is also situated in Kofla Sattai Tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan.

Historical Growth

Dera Ghazi Khan city of Sohail Leghari is situated on the western bank of the Indus river. It was founded by a Balouch ruler, nawab Haji Khan Mirrani, also called Mirani Balouch, in 1476; he named the town after his son Ghazi Khan Mirrani. In those days, game abounded near Dera Ghazi Khan and the fields were green. Haji Khan Mirrani was a great cattle owner and was attracted to the site by the plentiful supply of  grass. It was known as "Dera Phoolan Tha Sehra" due to plenty of gardens and kastori canal, supplied by the Indus river.

In 1909-10, this cradle of Mirrani civilisation was inundated by the Indus. At that time, there was a population of about 23,731. The present town was built 10 miles (16 km) from the old town. It was laid out on a grid pattern comprising 66 blocks with wide long roads and streets.Two open spaces were planned in each block for social gatherings. Some of these have been encroached upon.

The population of the new developed town in 1911 was 18,446. This 2.22% decrease of population was due to dislocation of population after the destruction of the previous settlement.

In the year 1913, the Municipal Committee came in to existence. At that time, the area of the town was very small. Physical growth continued  and now the area was about 4 square miles (10 km2). The major growth of the town has taken place since 1947. The town has largely spread to the north and south; it could not expand to the west due to the danger of flooding torrents such as affected the town in 1955. However, growth has also taken place in the eastern side. Almost all of the new developments in north and east of the planned town are haphazardly built.

The development in the town from 1947 to 1958 remained slow, due to lack of transportation and communication facilities. Only a boat bridge on the river Indus in winter season and steamer service for summer season linked Dera Ghazi Khan with the rest of the Punjab. Taunsa Barrage on river Indus was completed in 1953 and the pace of development gained momentum. During the last 5 years, 72 industrial units were established. Ghazi Textile mills is another attempt to establish a heavy industrial complex in order to raise the economic base of the town.

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The city was founded at the close of the 15th century and named after Nawab Ghazi Khan Mirrani, son of Nawab Haji Khan Mirrani, a Balochi  chieftain, who had declared independence from the Langhi Dynasty Sultans of Multan. Together with two other Deras i.e. settlements, Dera
Ismail Khan and Dera Fateh Khan, it gave its name to Derajat. Derajat eventually came into the possession of the British after the Sikh War in 1849 and was divided into two districts: Dera Ghazi Khan and Dera Ismail Khan. After the partition of India, many of the city's Hindu residents settled in Derawal Nagar colony of Delhi, India. The district of Rajanpur was later carved out of the Dera Ghazi Khan district. Some of them also settled in various part of India, including Bhiwani, Delhi, Jhansi, Ranchi, Ambala and Haridwar.

Dera Ghazi Khan was founded in 15th century by Amar a Tribal Sardar of Mirani tribe. The old city of Dera Ghazi Khan was situated at the distance of 10 miles (16 km) towards east of the present city. In 1908, the old city of Dera Ghazi Khan was abolished due to heavy flood in the river Indus. Resultantly the existing city of Dera Ghazi Khan was came into being in the year 1910. The city is divided into different blocks. The British ruler established colonial system in the continent and declared D.G.Khan as district in the year 1849. General Court Land was appointed as first Deputy Commissioner of this District. Keeping in view the rapidly increasing population of the area and deteriorating law and order situation district D.G.Khan was divided in two districts i.e. D.G.Khan and Rajanpur. Presently there are two revenue sub division of the District. A tribal belt/political area spread along with western side of the District. According to the 1998 Census of Pakistan, the district had a population of 1,643,118 of which 13.76% were urban. Lund tribe is also lived at DG Khan.Nutkani(notkani) baloch tribe is also live there and Nutkani balolch is one of ruling tribe in this rigen under the great Nawab Asad Khan Nutkani Malghani is also part of Nutkani.

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Saraiki is the main language spoken in this region. Other languages that are spoken include Urdu, Balochi, Punjabi, Pashto, and Sindhi.

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Historical and Interesting Places

Tomb of Ghazi Khan

The tomb of Ghazi Khan was built in the beginning of 15th century. This seems like the tomb of Shah Rukn-e-Alam in Multan. This is present in the Mulla Qaid Shah Graveyard. Its main gate is from eastern side and two small doors are in side of north and south. In it there are 11 graves, which are of the family of Ghazi Khan. Every side of the tomb is 13 feet (4.0 m) and 3 inches (76 mm) from inner side and which are conical minarets from out side. Its circular distance from the earth is 17 feet (5.2 m) and half. The half diameter of the conical minarets remains 34 inches (860 mm) on the highet of 19 feet (5.8 m). There are 28 ladders from northern side in the internal side. The Graveyard came into being due to the tomb of Ghazi Khan. This is the oldest building of the city Dera Ghazi Khan.

Church yard

In front of central jail there is a residential colony named Canal Colony. The church yard is situated in the northern side of the colony. This is the unique church yard which is situated in the walls on its four sides. This church yard could not spread because of minority of the Christian in the local area. This was came into being in the year 1910.

Shah Bagh Mosque

After the destruction of the old Dera Ghazi Khan when the people of Dera Ghazi Khan shifted in the new city, this was the first Mosque where they performed their first Jumma Namaz. It is in the Block No. 7. In the city people performed their first Jumma Namaz behind the Mutawali of  the Mosque named Syed Bagh Ali Shah. So it named after the Imam of that time.

Jamia Masjid

This is the biggest Masjid of the city. Which was constructed in year 1916. There is a large pool in the Masjid which is used for making ablution. It has a big hall whose length is 100 feet (30 m) and width is 45 feet (14 m), in which 3,000 persons can say their prayer at one time.Its courtyard is also wide in which 10,000 men can say their prayer. The minarets of the Masjid are 85 feet (26 m) high in which there are 100

Fort Munro

FORT MUNROFort Munro is a hill station in Dera Ghazi Khan which lies on the Quetta Road at 85 km from Dera Ghazi Khan city in the Sulaiman Mountains Range. Its altitude is 1800 meters (6,470 feet) above sea level and attracts many people for short stays during the summer.



Taunsa Barrage

Taunsa Barrage is situated in the northern side of the city D.G. Khan at the distance of 60 km. It is worth seeing place. It is also a good picnic point. Many school trips and families use to go for recreation.


D.C Garden

Its area is 81 canals and 3 marlas. Divisional Public School and Wild Life Park was also the part of DC Garden. Although it is administrative and residential area but it has natural greenery same like past. D.G. Khan administration has made the D.G. Khan officers club, where the officers use to play games like squash, badminton, and tennis. It has the beautiful building in this area. Govt. employees, advocates,politicians, journalists, and the local people are also the member of this club.

Company Bagh

This is called the second garden of the city. East Indian Company made the company bagh in every district. This is known as company bagh.Its area is 162 canals and 12 Marlas. In 1948 a friends club was made in this area. Company bagh is used to play Football, Hockey, Volley Ball, Badminton, Table Tennis and for other games.

Ghazi Park

This is the one of the beautiful parks of the city. This is also known as Behari Park. It is only one park of the city where the entrance is not with out ticket. Exhibition has arranged in one time in the year since 1999. the time of this exhibition is February to March.

The River Bank of River Indus

INDUS RIVERThe western bank of the river Indus is a peaceful picnic point for the peoples of D.G. Khan. From here the view of the river is looks like most beautiful. It is also known as the name of GHAZI GHAT. Ghazi Ghat welcomes the people of upper Punjab before entering in the city D.G. Khan.




D. G. Khan Zoo is recently re-developed like Lahore Zoo but not as big as the later one is. It is a good place for recreation. It has many types of animals and birds. It is known as wild life park Dera Ghazi Khan.

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More Places

Shopping Centres

The following shopping Markets/Centres are situated in City D.G. Khan

  • Grain market of district D.G. Khan is well renewed in the south Punjab. Most of the farmer and traders of the region are affiliated with the grain market. Wheat, Cotton, and Rice are the major crops of the area

  • Rani Bazar is another business center situated in city D.G. Khan. All kinds of jewelry and beautiful dresses of ladies are available in this market. Mostly ladies purchase their needy articles from this market.

  • Cloth Market is another business centre of the city and situated in Saddar Bazar near Committee Gollai.

  • Garments Market is another business centre of the city located in Block-10 behind Govt. City High School and situated in Anarkali Bazar near Committee Gollai.

  • Electronic Market falls within the middest of the city i.e. round the Gollai Committee.

  • Medicine Markets is situated near Civil Hospital D.G. Khan. All kind of medicine are available from the market. Pakistan traders is the wholesale supplier of all kind of medicine, serving the needs of patients as well as medical stores.

  • Vegetable and Fruit Market is situated within the area near the Faridi Bazar. A huge quantity of Apples, Khubani, Aalobukhara and other kind of vegetable are being brought in this market from Bluchistan and thereafter the same are being supplied to the other district of  Punjab Province.

  • Mobile Market is a big mobile market in heart of Dera Ghazi Khan. Every type of mobiles and mobile related shops are in this area.

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Business and Industry

WHEAT CROPThe prominent employers in Dera Ghazi Khan are the D.G. Khan Cement Company, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission and the Al-Ghazi Tractor Company. It is considered that these companies, along with various other flour mills, companies in the cotton, chemical, textile industries, as well as rice, sugar, and ghee mills, form the backbone of the Pakistan's economy. However, private sector investment is increasing rapidly from previous few years and a large number of Private Banks, National Corporations are offering their services in the City.

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Health Facilities

In D.G Khan, there is a civil hospital called the Divisional Headquarters Hospital, along with many private hospitals and labs.The number of  beds is being doubled from 250 to 500 in DHQ. Along with the DHQ there are several Private Hospital working for the walfare of the People of  D.G. Khan. The overall conditions of public health are miserable in the city and need improvement.


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The Rich Agricultural Land

Dera Ghazi Khan is a rich agricultural land with cotton, wheat, sugarcane, rice, tobacco being the major crops grown. Dera Ghazi Khan is also  well known for its dates. The district is now connected by railroad with other parts of the country including Multan, Lahore, Karachi and Quetta. The railway was built by the British before the partition of India.

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