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Explore Pakistan | Cities | Battagram District
  Etymology | Administration | Earthquake 2005 | Scenery | Irrigation | Hospitals | Literacy |

Battagram CityBattagram is a district of Hazara in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan.It has a total land area of 1301 square kilometres and the estimated population of Battagram District in 2004-2005 was 361,000. It is 90 km away from abbottabad and 240 km from the capital Islamabad. The main language of the district is Pashto, but English and Urdu are spoken as official languages. Hindko is also spoken, specially
in Shumlai. The people of mountains are mainly Gujars and they speak their own
language, Gujri.

Battagram is a district of Hazara in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan.It has a total land area of 1301 square kilometres and the estimated population of Battagram District in 2004-2005 was 361,000. It is 90 km away from abbottabad and 240 km from the capital Islamabad. The main language of the district is Pashto, butEnglish and Urdu are spoken as official languages. Hindko is also spoken, specially in Shumlai. The people of mountains ar mainly Gujars and they speak their ownlanguage, Gujri.

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Before these nouveau inhabitants, Hindus were a majority in the area as the name of Battagram, (Sanskrit which means Land or Village of the Warriors), suggest. Many other small villages in district Battagram are also still named after Sanskrit words or their old Hindu residents e.g. Chohan, Ajmera, Rashmera, Chapargram etc.

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Battagram obtained the status of district in July 1993 when it was upgraded from a Tehsil and separated from Mansehra District. Before Battagram obtained the status of district, it was a Tehsil of the Mansehra District. It has geographical borders with Kohistan District, the Tribal Area of Kala Dhaka (Black Mountain of Hazara), Shangla District and Malakand Division. The district consists of two sub-divisions or Tehsils,containing 20 in total. Union Councils:

The district is represented in the provincial assembly by two MPAs from its constituencies
PF-59 (Battagram-1) and PF-60 (Battagram-2).

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Earthquake 2005

Battagram was one of the areas affected by the Pakistan Earthquake of October 8, 2005 when more than 4,500 people were killed and approximately 35,000 were injured. Many residents of the area were rendered homeless and without shelter. Since October 8th 2005,the NGOs and the Governmental organization ERRA have been engaged in re-construction work but as of 2009,the reconstruction work is not completed. In some cases residents have rebuilt houses themselves.

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Battagram CityThis district is noted for its scenic mountain scenery, thick forests, fertile landsand enchanting streams. Most of the population is rural and depends upon agriculture fortheir day to day living. As a recent phenomenon, fishing has also become a mode of earningdue to some modern scientific techniques. Another distinctive feature of this district is the notable presence of Shahrah-e-Resham (Karakoram Highway) or Silk route and hence which is helping the infant industrial base to thrive.

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The main source of irrigation in Battagram are the nandeharh ,landay,alai river and arivulet in chappargram.The river nadeharh mainly irrigate the Battagram village,Batamori,Romai,Shumlai and Tamai.It also receives a rivulet from Chappargram village at narazturn (naraza morh) .The river lanady come from kuzabanda and trand region and falls in thenandeharh.Then the nandeharh river runs through the villages of upper shingli,lowershingli,Peshora,Kotgala,hotal and Thakot.At the Thakot the nandeharh falls in the River Indus. The irrigation sources also include many small rivulets and the natural springs.

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The land of Battagram is very fertile. The crops such as rice, wheat, maiz, and thevegetables such as cauliflower, tomato, onion, peas, potato, mung bean, garlic, chilipepper, raddish, tinda, pumpkin, spinach, green bean, and many other vegetables are cultivated. Among the fruits the main fruits are apple, walnut, plums, oranges, and pears. The walnut and pears are the main fruits of Battagram. The Chappargram village is famous for walnuts and plums.

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  • District Headquarter Hospital Battagram

  • In spite of this there are many private hospitals in Battagram District.

  • Al-Badar Surgical Hospital Battagram.

  • Rezwan Hospital Battagram.

  • Al-Shafa Medical Hospital Battagram.

  • Al-Rabia Gynae Hospital.

  • Ibne-Sina Children Hospital Battagram.

  • Al-Saad Medical Hospital Battagram.

Satellite View of Hospitals

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The literacy rate in Battagram, Pakistan is increasing. 50 percent literacy was achieved

among those aged fifteen to nineteen in 1990. But with the passage a decade literacy rate has been raised to 90 percent among those aged fifteen to nineteen. Literacy rate among girls remained low but now it is increasing day to day.

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