Processing Fee_______


                                The Director, Estate Management,

                                Capital Development Authority, Islamabad.


Dear Sir,

 I was allotted by CDA plot no……………………….Street No…………………………………... Sector……………….Islamabad measuring ……………….. square yards vide allotment order No……….Dated ………………. I have now decided to transfer the said plot to Mr/Mr.s/Miss…………..for consideration of Rs……………………..son/daughter/wife of …………….aged about………………years, resident of …………………………..

For whom I have received the entire amount paid by me to the CDA on account of price/premium of the plot and who has agreed to abide by all the terms and conditions of allotment and to pay the transfer fee as prescribed by CDA and other dues payable by in respect of the said plot.


2.                    It is, therefore, requested that the allotment of the plot may kindly be transferred in the name of Mr/Mr.s/Miss…………………………………………………………………………

With all my rights, liabilities and deposits. I enclose herewith the following documents:-


  • No objection certificate from the Loam Giving Agency if any

  • Original agreement dated…………..executed between myself and the CDA if any.

  • Original allotment/transfer letter.

  • Clearance from wealth Tax office regarding payment of Capital Value Tax.

  • Clearance from Revenue Directorate; CDA regarding payment of property Tax, water and conservancy charges.

  • Photostat copy of Identity cards of the purchaser and seller and attesting officer.

  • Indemnity bond from Transferee.

  • Three specimen signature of the allotee, duly attested.


                                                                                                                                Your’s faithfully,



Dated………………                                                                             Signature of allotee……………..

                                                                                                                NIC No………………………….


Name……………………..son/daughter/wife of ………………………………………………….

Resident of …………………………………………………………………………………………




Certified that Mr/Mrs/Miss ……………………………………………..(allotee)

Son/daughter/wife of……………………………………………………………..

Resident of ……………………………………………………………………….

Who is known to me personally/ who has been identified by Mr………………..

Son of ……………………………… who is known to me personally, has signed

This application in my presence this……………… of……………200…….


(In case of Islamabad Displaced persons only)


                                                                                    Name and Designation……….

                                                                                                                (Seal of Office)

Countersigned by Magistrate Ist Class                                              NIC No………………………………



Son/daughter/wife of…………………………………………………………………………………………..

Aged about………………years, resident of ………………………………………………………………….

Hereby admit the contents of the above application as correct and enclose herewith a bank draft No……….dated…………….issued by…………………………….Bank Limited………………for Rs…………… (Ruppes…………………………….) drawn on……………………………………Bank Limited Islamabad in favour of CDA, Islamabad on account of transfer fee.


In case the allotment is transferred in my name, in hereby undertake;

To abide by all returns and conditions of allotment of  the plot and to comply with all the orders, directions, instructions, e.t.c. issue from time to time by CDA.

To pay all the dues, fee charges e.t.c  Payable by the allotee to the CDA or any other Government Department, organization, agency e.t.c. in respect of the said plot.

To use the plot for the same purpose for which it was alloted and to construct the building complying with all the relevant Rules/Regulation, directions, instructions, e.t.c. In force of issue from time to time by the CDA.


Date………………………                                    Signature of Transferee………………………….


Specimen Signature;                                                            Name…………………………………………….


1………………………………………                  Son/daughter/Wife of …………………………..

2………………………………………                  Address………………………………………….

3………………………………………                                  …………………………………………


Attested                                                                                                NIC No………………………………………….




Name and Designation……………………….

NIC NO………………………………………


(Seal of officer)

Instruction for submitting Application:

  • The application form should be carefully and correctly filled in and necessary information given therein.

  • In complete application will not be entertained.

  • In correct information given in the application will render the allotment liable to cancellation.

  • The following documents are required to be attached with the application;--

  • In case permission to be mortgage the plot has been obtained from the CDA and the plot has been mortgaged  a certificate issued by the loan giving agency to the affect that it has no objection to be transer to allotment of the plot has applied for. In case the plot has no been mortgaged, the original granting permission to mortgage the issued from CDA.

  • The agreement to sell/lease execute between CDA and the allotee.

  • Clearance Certificate issue by DMA, CDA in respect of conservancy charges and

  •  The bank draft for the amount of transfer fee in favour of CDA, Islamabad.

  •  Three specimen Signatures of the allotee, duly attested.

  •   The bank draft submitted with the application will be deposited in the CDA account and in case due to any reason the request of the allotee is not acceded to, the amount will be refunded to the proposed transferee.

  • The application once filled will not be allowed to be  withdrawn without consent in writing of both the parties.

  •  The proposed transferee should satisfied himself own interest that before submitting the application, all the dues have been paid by the allotee, requisite documents attached and the application form properly and correctly filled in.

  • Transfer application complete in all respects should be presented personally to the Deputy Director, Estate Management or Assistant Director, Estate Management by the seller and purchaser.

  •  Transfer case will be entertained on all working days excepted Saturday between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM.

  •  The certificate and application/Declaration by the transferee should be signed by an officer of BPS 17 and above or by a Manager of the scheduled Bank. However, in  case of transfer by a displaced person of Islamabad the Certificate should also be countersigned by a Magistrate Ist Class.