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More Media & News Links From Palestine

Alternative Information Center (AIC)
Site of Jerusalem-based progressive Palestinian-Israeli activist organization striving to provide balanced news analysis.

AMIN - Arabic Media Information Network
News coverage by Palestinian journalists and officials.
Offers articles representing the Israeli and Palestinian perspectives on current events relating to the occupied territories.

Electronic Intifada
Leading Palestinian news and information portal and "a resource for countering myth, distortion and spin from the Israeli media war machine."

Friends of Al-Aqsa
News site and journal with special focus on Al Quds (Jerusalem).

International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC)
Quality independent daily news service dedicated to the coverage of the Israel / Palestine conflict.

Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre
Provides news, polls and translations from Palestinian newspapers.

MEMRI: Palestinian Authority
Site of the Washington-based pro-Israel Middle East Media Research Institute providing analysis and translations of Arabic and Hebrew media reports.

Site of the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy. News from PLO perspective.

Palestine Chronicle
Slick US based online newspaper providing news and commentary on Palestine and the Middle East.

Palestine-Israel Journal
Independent quarterly that aims to analyze critically the complex issues dividing Israelis and Palestinians.

Palestine Media Center
Official news site or as they describe themselves "an independent official institution".

Palestine Media Watch
Grass-roots media watch group established "to help fight US media bias against Palestinians".

Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Site of UK campaigning organisation providing news and commentary with focus on Palestinian rights.

Palestinian Information Center
Comprehensive daily coverage of the conflict from from the Hamas point of view.

Palestinian Media Watch
Israeli site providing translations and analysis of Arabic language Palestinian newspapers and other media.

Official Palestinian news agency.





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