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Syrian Arab Republic


Education in Syrian Arab Republic

  1. Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Syrian Arab Republic. الجمهورية العربية السورية ...... Education is free in all public schools and obligatory up to the 9th grade. Schools are divided into ... 
  2. UNICEF - At a glance: Syrian Arab Republic - Supporting better ...

    Supporting better education for Syrian and Iraqi children ... DAMASCUS, Syrian Arab Republic, 16 June 2009 – Miriam, 11, is from Baghdad. ... 
  3. UNICEF - At a glance: Syrian Arab Republic - The big picture

    The Syrian Arab Republic has achieved considerable progress in social ... In education, UNICEF advocacy led to official recognition of the problem of girl ... 
    More results from »
  4. University of Colorado - GovPubs: Syria (Syrian Arab Republic)

    Education statistics, publications, plans, ministries, and news for Member States. UNESCO Institute for Statistics - Syrian Arab Republic ... 
  5. Syrian Arab Republic: A Study of the Educational System of the ...

    ED157443 - Syrian Arab Republic: A Study of the Educational System of the ... and placement of Syrian students in U.S. institutions of higher education, ... 
    by GG Parker - 1978
  6. Syrian Arab Republic - Country Brief

    Syrian Arab Republic > Overview > Country Brief ... fully prepared to provide quality education and economically relevant skills to the young labor force. ...,,menuPK:310557~pagePK:141132~piPK:141107~theSitePK:310548,00.html 
  7. [PPT]

    Upgrading the Higher Education System in Syrian Arab Republic ...

    File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTML
    Introducing the first draft of accreditation standards for Higher Education sector in Syrian Arab Republic; Feed-back from universities' representatives ... 
  8. ICL - Syria - Constitution

    (1) The Syrian Arab Republic is a democratic, popular, socialist, and sovereign state. .... (3) Physical education is a foundation for the building

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