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  Royaume de Belgique
Koninkrijk België
Kingdom of Belgium


Education in Belgium


  1. Education in Belgium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Education in Belgium is regulated and for the larger part financed by one of the three communities. The national legislator only kept a very few, ...
  2. Education in Belgium

    Education enjoys high priority, and the largest share of the regional governments' annual budget in Belgium. Complete systems of public and private schools ...
  3. How to Apply for Higher Education in Belgium

    Chantal Kaufmann, Deputy General Director, Higher Education and Research, Head of Naric describes the procedure for the assessment of foreign higher ...
  4. The Education System in Belgium

    Education in Belgium is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 18. ... Higher education in Belgium is organized by the two main communities, ...
  5. Education - Belgium

    mybe you would like give me an articles about teacher education in belgium. my profession is teaching personel in universitas bengkulu, indonesia. thank you ...
  6. Education International

    5 Jul 2009 ... ITS representing 280 teachers' unions and professional organisations worldwide.
  7. Welcome to HP Education Belgium

    At HP Education Belgium we are passionate about IT training. Our team is aware that IT training is crucial for you in order to become a specialist in your ...
  8. Special needs education within the education system - Belgium ...

    20 Apr 2009 ... Special needs education within the education system - Belgium (Flemish speaking community). This information will be available soon. ...
  9. Embassy of Belgium Beijing, China

    VISIT BELGIUM ! It is a pleasure to welcome you on the official website of the ... Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 35 years ago, Belgium and ...
  10. Het Hogeronderwijsregister

    Faculty for Comparative Study of Religions was deleted from the Higher Education Register on 20 April 2009. Inclusion in the Higher Education... more ...


  1. Colleges and Universities - Belgium

    Colleges and Universities - Belgium ... These lists contain home pages (please do not send non-http URLs) for universities and colleges all over the world. ...
  2. List of universities in Belgium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Flemish government distinguishes between universities, colleges, and registered institutes of higher education. A list of all recognised universities, ...
  3. Universities in Belgium

    There are 29 hogescholen and 6 universities. University education takes four, five, six or seven years, depending on the discipline. ...
  4. GEO | Colleges and Universities | Belgium

    GEO | Colleges and Universities | Belgium. Boston University Brussels · Brexgata University Academy · Brussels School of International Studies, ...
  5. Universities in Belgium

    Universities in Belgium are popular worldwide for its first rate education. There are several universities in Belgium which a wide-range of professional ...
  6. QS Top Universities: Study abroad in Belgium

    Study Abroad in Belgium - education and country overviews, university housing, international student support, living costs, international univeristy search, ...
  7. Universities in Belgium

    Universities in Belgium. Browsing 1-10 of 17 results (page 1 of 2 pages) ... Antwerp, Belgium, University Degree Program, Graduate, Professional Programs, ...
  8. Complete List < Belgium < Colleges and Universities in the Yahoo ...

    Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Colleges and Universities > Belgium > Complete List.
  9. Open Directory - Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities ...

    29 Mar 2008 ... Two campuses are located in Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Poland). ... (Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad) - Network of Flemish universities, ...
  10. Catalogue of World Universities: Universities of Belgium

    The catalogue lists all the Universities and other Higher Education Institutions with an independent URL domain. The list is organized alphabetically by the ...
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