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Restricted Peaks & Areas

Following Regions/Treks Are Located In Open Zone;

District Chitral: treks in Kalash valleys, Chitral Gol National Park, Shishi Gol & Golen Gol, Lutkhu valley, Laspur valley and Bashqar Gol. However, a permission from the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Chitral is required.
District Ghizer: treks in upper Ghizer River Valley, Yasin Valley to Yarkhun Valley and Yasin Valley to Ishkoman Valley.
District Gilgit: Bagrot & Haramosh Valleys, Naltar & Pakora Valleys.
Diamer District: Nanga Parbat region.
Hunza Valley: Nagar, Hunza proper, Gojal.
Baltistan: Basha, Tormik & Stak Valleys, Deosai Mountains and Plains, Biafo Hispar traverse, Thalle La & Tusserpo La and Aling Glacier & K-6 Base Camp.

Following Regions/Treks Are Located In Restricted Zone;

Chitral District: Turikho Valley and upper Yarkhun Valley.
Hunza: Chapursan Valley
Baltistan: Ashkoli to Concordia, Masherbrum Base Camp, Gondogoro Valley and K-7 Base Camp.

For a list of treks in open and restricted zones, and to have a copy of latest trekking rules & regulations, please write to the Public Relation Officer, Ministry of Tourism, Government of Pakistan (Operation Section) Pakistan Sports Complex, Shahrah-e-Kashmir, near Aabpara, Islamabad.

Tel:+92-51-9203509 Fax:+92-51-9202347).


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